Structures by: Ganesh T.

Total: 5

2-Aminopyridinium 2,4-dinitrophenolate


Devi, S. ReenaAkilan, R.Kumar, R. MohanGanesh, T.Chakkaravarthi, G.

IUCrData (2016) 1, 9 x161489

a=7.6303(2)Å   b=9.3142(3)Å   c=17.2518(5)Å

α=90.339(2)°   β=99.468(2)°   γ=99.556(3)°

Benzene-1,2-diaminium phosphite


Zahid, Md.Akilan, R.Ganesh, T.Kumar, R. MohanChakkaravarthi, G.

IUCrData (2016) 1, 10 x161591

a=13.6564(6)Å   b=12.3755(4)Å   c=7.7281(3)Å

α=90°   β=117.5860(10)°   γ=90°



Chen, Qiao-HongGanesh, ThotaBrodie, PeggySlebodnick, CarlaJiang, YiBanerjee, AbhijitBane, SusanSnyder, James P.Kingston, David G. I.

Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry (2008) 6, 24 4542-4552

a=6.0080(11)Å   b=17.848(2)Å   c=30.989(4)Å

α=90.00°   β=90.00°   γ=90.00°

1,4-bis-N'-{(R)-N-(a-methylbenzyl)acetamide}-1,4,7,10- tetraazacycldodecane diaqua europium(III) tris(trifrluoromethylsulfonate)


Batsanov, Andrei S.Bruce, James I.Ganesh, ThotaLow, Paul J.Kataky, RituPuschmann, HorstSteel, Patrick G.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1 (2002) 7 932

a=10.156(2)Å   b=13.194(2)Å   c=33.401(7)Å

α=90.00°   β=90.00°   γ=90.00°

1,4-bis-N'-{(R)-N-(a-methylbenzyl)acetamide}-1,4,7,10- tetraazacycldodecane diaqua samarium(III) tris(trifrluoromethylsulfonate)


Batsanov, Andrei S.Bruce, James I.Ganesh, ThotaLow, Paul J.Kataky, RituPuschmann, HorstSteel, Patrick G.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1 (2002) 7 932

a=10.143(1)Å   b=13.171(2)Å   c=33.280(4)Å

α=90.00°   β=90.00°   γ=90.00°